Introducing Dawsons’ new purpose-built premises

Representing an Investment of over £500,000


With customer needs at its core, our new Berkshire home is design-led and able to accommodate the increasing number of wonderful items brought to auction by our UK-wide client base, whilst integrated technologies help the team at Dawsons to cater for a huge global audience of buyers eager to purchase jewellery, fine art & antiques online.

Dawsons Maidenhead

Dawsons are proud to have been one of the first Jewellery, Fine Art & Antiques Auction Houses in the UK to transition to a purely online auction model, and we have certainly experienced significant growth since taking that decision.  



Every month, Dawsons’ bespoke digital marketing attracts an increasing number of potential buyers (based in the UK and across the globe) with a specific interest in the items being brought to auction by our growing UK client base.  With bidder numbers continually on the rise, we can ensure superb sale results are achieved for our clients; indeed, we have recently set 2 world records for items sold at auction.




Dawsons Warehouse


The team of experts at Dawsons are always happy to provide a free verbal appraisal and auction valuation; regularly consigning an array of wonderful items to our monthly and dedicated FIne Art & Antiques auction, and also in respect of our monthly Jewellery, Watches and Silver auction. 

We can also provide insurance valuations, where required. 

Why not make an appointment to visit our new home for a complimentary valuation?

The team would love to see you, and we are delighted to confirm our new address:

Unit 8 Cordwallis Park, Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 7BU